Let's Start Again!

 I was looking for a great opportunity & I found one, a  colleague of mine approached me with a Business Idea which I became very excited about I dedicated time & resources towards this 'great idea' writing up Business Plans and creating logos but she has given up.

She came up with every excuse in the book ' she was too stressed or too busy' or 'there was a family emergency' that she needed to attend to,  this left me feeling very discouraged  not wanting to do or achieve anything  even for myself , but I realized I'm an entrepreneur we pick ourselves up and start over.

 I will look for a new opportunity and draw up  a new business plan and even create a new logo. It is time for me not to depend on people to make my ideas and dreams a success! 

I'm really excited to start over so my advice is this ,if you need to start again start again , if you need to scarp it scarp it because something great doesn't come by only once in life you chase after it and it finds you! 
